Answers for questions you may have about your trees:
1. If a tree has any green left in the canopy, leave it. I’ve seen them come back from wildfires. If the whole tree is yellow or black, remove it. But, if the tree isn’t near buildings or trails I would recommend leaving it for a habitat tree.
2. Ideally you would have a Certified ISA Arborist assess your trees, but, anyone with experience in wildfires or forestry could be helpful as well. I support leaving as much as we can on site.
3. If you are looking for someone to remove any trees I would call tree care companies that service Las Vegas, Taos, Dixon, or any of northern new mexico. Many of us already have really long backlogs of work already, so keep trying.
4. If you have tree or brush debris to remove you can take it to your county landfill or green waste location. They are around and you just have to call the county or whoever picks up your trash. Another option would be to have a company with a Masticator to go through your property and just turn everything into wood chips by running it over. The companies that have this machinery will be large forest thinning or logging companies. I don’t know of any in our area right now. If your property is 50+ acres you could probably get someone from TX or CO to come over.
5. The best time to plant seedlings is in the spring or fall. Ideally they would be watered regularly. The state forestry program has resources with good info on this. Make sure to mulch them at the very least.